Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Google vs. Database

The data base in Middle School provides several search engines which are trustworthy and user friendly. As search engines most of them are easy for the students to use such as "The Day". If students were asked to search for current events, it is easy for them to be directed to the topic of interest with no difficulty.

EBSCO provides easy access to trustworthy information which is clearly categorized for students to identify the source of the information.The sites are appealing, such as Kids search, yet there are no links on the pages for other related sources.

The search engines within the school's sites have more credibility and when thinking about students, they provide web safety.

However, google does offer more choice and design is much more appealing.

I believe both tools are useful and the successful use of search engines depends on a well defined task. The more defined, the easier it is to search for information once we become aware, as teachers, of the online available resources.

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