Friday, May 4, 2012

Bill Rankins m-learning presentation Preassig. 6

  • In what ways did the lecture make you think about your own perspective of education in time?
I do relate to what Bill Rankings is saying when he mentions that we are just at a stage in which we are in between destabilization and innovation.  We, as adult teachers, we are the ones in the destabilization stage,  we need to "relearn" it all. While our children are the ones in the innovation stage, natives.  We need to learn and keep moving along with them, trying to catch up when they are already, creators.  The problem of accessing information does no longer exist, yet now we need to to be able to make the right choice of the information that is actually useful to us, and most importantly be able teach our students this by motivating them, guiding them through the correct inquiry for them to get involved, engaged and willing to go out in the ocean of information and apply the different models. It is so true when Bill Rankins mentions that we need not to teach information, but informational models, meaning how to apply models in all sorts of different situations. That way no matter how fast the information load keeps on growing they will always have the ability to apply the models. I guess that what I'm understanding about this is that now a days the most important thing in education is not only the Goal...but the strategies, methods, etc. used to be able to reach that goal without drowning or feeling so overwhelmed with all the information that is available to them.  Definitely we need to have a classroom in which they are able to access all the information in all kinds of ways, and see that it is all information connected.
It is not a matter of if the student passed or not, it's not "his problem", there most be collaborative learning, with the teacher assessing along the way, serve as a mentor and not as the "nexus" of information, we want our students to be able to CREATE  not only consume or memorize, there is no way of doing this now.
  • How does his lecture change you view on mobile devices and their use in education?
I understand the reason behind the use of mobile devices in education  and I don't think that it is just because it is a "fashion" moment. With the use of mobile devices the students can connect with the whole world in just a few seconds, we are able to video conference and for example learn about other cultures by actually skyping with somebody on the other side of the world, very enriching.  The students definitely need to develop thinking skills therefore it enhances levels of understanding and attainment in other subjects.  Even though there is a mentor present for them who will guide them through their inquiry they become effective independent learners, in which they know how to gather the information wisely and in a not so time consuming manner. The appropriate use of mobile devices in education is not optional anymore for me, or for any teacher, it is a MUST.

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